This week, from 14th to 16th May, RETmobil 2024 is being held in Fulda (Germany), a must-attend event for all professionals in the emergency field, with a special focus on ambulances as the star product. This year the trade fair has more than 400 exhibitors from 20 different countries and around 22,000 visitors from more than 50 countries are expected.
In Tecnove, we value positively the opportunity to go once again to RETTmobil. Our sales team, represented by Ramon Lozano, Vasile Popescu and Álvaro Mateos, will be present until the 16th of May, making the most of every moment to keep up to date with the latest developments in the sector and to present our products to various institutions and companies.
At the trade fair, they are checking the advances and developments in the ambulance sector, and how we could integrate and improve the structure of our products. The discussions we are having with various suppliers will enable us to keep our ambulances and mobile clinics at the forefront of the sector, thus ensuring the best quality in our services.
We are also having meetings with customers from various parts of the world, advancing projects that are already under development and opening doors to new business.
From Tecnove we thank you for enjoying RETTmobil 2024, and we hope to come back next year, as it is a fantastic experience to share and create new connections with different companies.