Benchmark in the sector
Tecnove´s evolution over the years has been based on three pillars: quality, customer service and innovation. Thanks to this, Tecnove soon became a benchmark in the sector, expanding its activity into more technical areas with a large engineering component within the bodywork sector.
In 1993, the first line of business became independent, using the formula of creating new companies, spin-offs that went from being a division within Tecnove to become a new company specialised in new products. This group of technological companies, leaders, in their respective sectors, are the ones that today form the TECNOVE BUSINESS GROUP.
Tecnove has a corporate history and accumulated experience of 35 years, having the necessary capacity to offer a quality service wherever the client requires it.
Tecnove´s business areas are focused on:
– The manufacture, repair and maintenance of all types of vehicles and special containers.
– Catering, services and construction of modular buildings and temporary of fixed facilities.
– Forestry management and advice for public or private institutions.
Commitment, respect, professionalism and integrity are some of the terms that define Tecnove´s philosophy and its business vocation, values that overall these years have earned the recognition of customers and suplliers, as well as the social environment in which it has developed its business activity.

The Tecnove Business Group is currently made up of 10 companies specialised in different activities, which work on a daily basis to develop integral solutions anywhere in the world, managing to lead in each of the sectors in which they are present. The coordination of the companies that belong the Tecnove Business Group gives them the neccesary size to undertake the most demanding projects, as well as a competitive advantage.
Tecnove has managed to take its proudcts and solutions to more than 75 countries on all continents, including Antarctica, and has a network of 8 international offices, strategically located to provide the best service to our customers.
In Spain it has 6 delegations and 19 factories, with a total of 60.000 m2 in closed facilities and 70.000 m2 in camps or outdoor facilities. Thanks to these means, Tecnove always offers a top quality service.