9 de octubre de 2017
TECNOVE participa en la Jornada “Pasado, Presente y Futuro de la Ingeniería Militar Española”
Los expertos en ingeniería militar se dieron cita el pasado 5 de octubre en la Universidad de Zaragoza para debatir sobre el sector, en una Jornada que bajo el título “Pasado, presente y futuro de la ingeniería militar española” organizó la Asociación Española de Militares Escritores (AEME).
La Jornada fue inaugurada por el Coronel Enrique Domínguez Martínez-Campos, presidente de AEME, y por el Secretario General Técnico del Ministerio de Defensa. Contó la presencia e intervención de asociaciones, instituciones, miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas y representantes de importantes empresas entre las que se encontraba TECNOVE para analizar en tres mesas de debate la evolución, la situación actual y los retos de la ingeniería militar española.
TECNOVE participó como ponente en la mesa dedicada al “Presente de la ingeniería militar” donde tuvo ocasión de exponer su visión empresarial sobre los retos que afronta en la actualidad el sector industrial de la Defensa.
9 octobre 2017
TECNOVE participates in the Conference «Past, Present and Future of Spanish Military Engineering»
The experts in military engineering gathered on October 5 at the University of Zaragoza to discuss the sector, in a conference that under the title «Past, present and future of Spanish military engineering» organized the Spanish Association of Military Writers (AEME).
The Conference was inaugurated by Colonel Enrique Domínguez Martínez-Campos, president of AEME, and by the Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense. It counted on the presence and intervention of associations, institutions, members of the Armed Forces and representatives of important companies among which TECNOVE was to analyze in three discussion tables the evolution, the current situation and the challenges of the Spanish military engineering.
TECNOVE participated as a speaker at the table dedicated to the «Present of the military engineering» where they had the opportunity to present his business vision on the challenges facing the industrial sector of Defense.
9 october 2017
TECNOVE participates in the Conference «Past, Present and Future of Spanish Military Engineering»
The experts in military engineering gathered on October 5 at the University of Zaragoza to discuss the sector, in a conference that under the title «Past, present and future of Spanish military engineering» organized the Spanish Association of Military Writers (AEME).
The Conference was inaugurated by Colonel Enrique Domínguez Martínez-Campos, president of AEME, and by the Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense. It counted on the presence and intervention of associations, institutions, members of the Armed Forces and representatives of important companies among which TECNOVE was to analyze in three discussion tables the evolution, the current situation and the challenges of the Spanish military engineering.
TECNOVE participated as a speaker at the table dedicated to the «Present of the military engineering» where they had the opportunity to present his business vision on the challenges facing the industrial sector of Defense.